The UK's first & only DIY value comparison website
Compare price, service & availability on over 650,000 products from retailers such as B&Q, Wickes, Travis Perkins & more. Designed to ensure End Users are always getting the best deal for them on every day Industrial, Construction and Commercial Products.
Application Benefits
Save time and money
Completely free to use
Overview the market on one product page
Find new online retailers
Live data price comparisons
See which retailer fits for your purchase
Retailer Features
We understand value is important for end users and not always just price. Thats why we list bespoke retailer features with their price so you can see which retailer suits you, those features cover:
Delivery costs
Returns policy
Customer service
Free to Use
One of the best things about In2Tools is that it is completely free to use for End Users, just a simple, hassle free way to purchase the products you need online. Checkout direct with retailers with confidence and no extra fees to pay.
The Power of Live Data
As an End User you want to make sure you've got a good deal on your purchase, sometimes with the number of retailers that is hard to check.
In2Tools takes away any issues and uses live data to compare products, retailers and pricing to ensure you get the best deal available at the point of purchase. So you can purchase what you need with complete confidence.
In this blog we will show you how to prepare for and lay laminate flooring, including acclimatising your new flooring, how to fit around obstacles such as ..